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Review: Dessange Paris Oleo Miracle Replenishing Collection

My hair has been long almost my entire life. Seriously, I think I chopped it short twice, regretted it both times, and now I'm super reluctant to get much taken off when I do make the trip to the salon. I once went two whole years without a haircut. True story! I routinely tend to get the itch for a haircut around every 6 months or so. But back on point, long hair don't care actually requires a lot more work than you think it does.

When I think about my hair care regime now, I'm pretty comfortable with the amount of time, money, and materials I spend on my hair. I would never want to add to the process, you know? It's funny, because in middle school and high school, I used hairspray and that was it. Au naturel. Then, when I was in college, I was introduced to hairdressing, and it all just snowballed. Before long, I was totally hooked on hair products, and it was nawt pretty.

Back then, at any given time, I probably had 3 sets of shampoo and conditioner, because... options! Then, in order to protect my hair from all the damage of the blowdryer and brushing while drying... 2 more products. After blowdrying, more products to protect my hair from the dangerous heat of the curling iron and the straightener. Then hair spray to set, another product for frizzies, and another product for those tiny little flyaway baby hairs. There were so many chemicals in my hair, I'm honestly surprised my locks didn't burst out into flames!

Thankfully, I've cut back a loooooooot on my hair routine. Obviously, anything that makes the job of getting my hair from dirty to clean, styled, and shiny... I'm all for it! Who wouldn't be?

So, when I learned that I'd be getting the Dessange Paris VoxBox through Influenster... and that I'd be receiving the Oleo Miracle Replenishing Collection to test, I was definitely excited! Especially considering that Dessange is a new to the USA brand! But of course, with all that excitement, there was a little nervousness mixed in too, because I do have such a solid routine.

Oh, and in the interest of full disclosure... let me tell you a little bit about my hair. It's thick. Super thick. Hasn't been colored for at least 3 years, but I have an appointment for highlights coming up. I curl my hair daily with a regular curling iron cranked up to 400 degrees. Maybe someday I'll learn how to "curl" my hair with a flat iron, but for now... I'm liking the mostly burn-free days of my old school iron!

Influenster VoxBox Dessange Paris
My very first VoxBox!

Oleo Miracle Replenishing Collection by Dessange Paris
l to r: Dessange Paris Oleo Miracle Replenishing Shampoo, Conditioner, and Oil

When the box arrived, I pulled out the goods and immediately began snapping pics. Honestly, I think I did a complete photo shoot of the bottles before even smelling the shampoo and conditioner, and when I did? I was hesitant. It's totally got that typical argan oil infused perfumey smell. When you smell it in the bottle, it's really strong. I can be very scent sensitive to certain types of smells. A hazelnut candle once landed me in bed with a migraine after burning for only 30 minutes! So, I wasn't sure that I'd be able to handle the smell all day. But there really was no way to tell without jumping in the shower and sudsing up.

So, that's what I did.

The Oleo Miracle Replenishing Shampoo had a slightly more runny consistency than what I'm used to. When I started sudsing up, there was a definite lack of suds... and this isn't a sulfate free shampoo. I'm totally used to sudsing up and making a whole lot of bubbles with my shampoos, because to me, lots of bubbles make me feel like I'm getting my hair really, really clean. I know it's a total myth and everything, but still.

After rinsing out the shampoo, I reached for the Oleo Miracle Replenishing Conditioner. It also had a different consistency than what I'm used to. Normal conditioners tend to leave a little slippery film on your hands even after rinsing them off, but this didn't have that. It was thick, like the consistency of a really creamy lotion for the most uber dry skin level thick. When I rinsed my hands, there was no slippery, greasy film. It rinsed off completely clean. I couldn't wait to rinse it off my hair!

Scent-wise... and I've never had this happen before, the smell lost its intensity as you washed. For such a powerful top note, it really did fade away to a more tolerable level.

I towel dried my hair and put on my blow dry protectant before flipping my head over and starting the drying process that is long hair. And I dry completely, so it takes a while.

Once I was all dry, I cranked my curling iron up to 400 and had at it. After I was done curling, I spritzed my hair with a little hairspray. Then I smoothed a drop of Oleo Miracle Replenishing Oil over my hair, in addition to my drop of silkening gloss aaaaaaaaannnnd done.

Normally, I wash my hair every other day. Sometimes I miss a day, and go two days in a row without washing, because I am the mother of a super active little Peanut who loves getting up at 5AM on thee most random days. Thankfully, I have long hair and it's not overly oily, so I can do that. Day 1 without washing isn't bad, but Day 2 always requires dry shampoo. And I almost always curl my hair a lot so it's not super flat. For testing purposes, I washed every day for 7 days, with the exception of Day 5.

Testing Oleo Miracle Replenishing Collection Day 1
Day 1

Testing Dessange Paris Day 2
Day 2

Testing Dessange Paris Oleo Miracle Replenishing Collection Day 3
Day 3

Testing Dessange Paris Oleo Miracle Replenishing Collection Day 4
Day 4

Testing Oleo Miracle Replenishing Collection Day 5
Day 5 (didn't wash)

Testing Dessange Paris Oleo Miracle Replenishing Collection Day 6
Day 6

Testing Dessange Paris Oleo Miracle Replenishing Collection Day 7
Day 7

By the end of the week, I was pretty impressed with this collection. I posted my pics on Instagram as I went, and one of my hashtags was #salonhairathome for a reason. One of my favorite things about getting a haircut at the salon, is how your hair feels when you leave. I've bought tons of different shampoos and conditioners from various brands, and I've never been able to say that about any of those. And some of them were definintely at a higher price point!

While using the Oleo Miracle Replenishing Collection, my hair never felt oily, which is always a concern with any type of moisturizing hair care product. Despite the fact that the shampoo was not-so-sudsy, and the conditioner was super thick, neither of them left a residue on my hands or on my hair. They just added a ton of moisture and shine. Add in the Oleo Replenishing Miracle Oil, and the whole collection worked together to fight those little flyaway baby hairs, which are always a problem for me.

Now about the scent... I was definitely worried about that prior to using the product. The strength faded as I washed and rinsed, and definitely settled to a point that I could handle smelling it all day and not get a headache. Do I like the scent? No. I really don't care for it. Sadly, smelling this in the store would probably turn me off to it completely. But I'm glad that I got a chance to try it, because I think the results outweigh the issue of smell. For me anyway. If the scent could be changed without reformulating the product and results, I'd be all for it, and I'm sure more people would be willing to give it a try.  

All in all, I really like the way the Oleo Miracle Replenishing Collection made my hair look. When you've got thick hair, texture is always a thing, and finding a balance between shiny and not oily is an even harder thing. I've used the shampoo and conditioner outside of the testing window I set for myself, and would probably pick it up again. That being said, I couldn't see this becoming my everyday shampoo and conditioner, mainly because I really enjoy switching it up and trying new products... but it's definitely been added to the rotation!

Dessange Paris Oleo Miracle Replenishing Collection
Dessange Paris Oleo Miracle Replenishing Collection

You can find the Dessange Paris Oleo Miracle Replenishing Collection and other Dessange Paris products at Target. Oleo Miracle Replenishing Shampoo & Conditioner retail for $9.99/bottle and the Oleo Miracle Replenishing Oil is available for $11.99/bottle. Learn more about Dessange Paris on Facebook and Twitter.

Disclosure: "I received these products complimentary from Influenster for testing purposes." Follow Influenster on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter, and YouTube.
*provided by PR for review. All thoughts, views, and opinions are my own.


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