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Fishbowl Friday *014*

If last week's interpretation of the Fisbowl Friday prompt could be considered loose, I'm not really sure what you'd consider this one. A jumping off point, perhaps? The prompt I pulled was RAIN... but my brainstorm took this mani on a completely different tangent. I had the Zoya New Year New Hue promotion freebie polishes fresh in my mind, waiting to be tried. (Honestly, I blame Anais, Charlotte, and Severine more than a little bit.) One look at that trio and rain went acidic, then grunge. Finally, (and because I'm me) I added a little sparkle by way of Tomoko, one of my purchases from the same promotion...

Zoya Charlotte Gradient
Zoya Charlotte (mini-bottle)

Zoya New Year New Hue Gradient
Zoya Severine (mini-bottle)

Zoya Anais Gradient
Zoya Anais (mini-bottle)

Gradient mani with Zoya Tomoko

Zoya Tomoko Gradient

Polishes Used:

1 Coat Beauty Secrets Ridge Filler
Zoya Anais
Zoya Charlotte
Zoya Severine
Zoya Tomoko
Essence of Beauty Makeup Wedges

A long while ago, I saw this floating around on Pinterest and it has just seriously stuck with me...

c/o Elle (I think...)

Combine that painting, the rain brainstorm, and Zoya's mystery box, and there you have it. Definitely started out with the prompt RAIN in mind, but the finished result has pretty much nothing to do with rain. O.o

Zoya New Year New Hue Gradient

But you know what? I really, really like the way this turned out. This is the 2nd Mystery Box/Bag mani I've done recently, and I'm starting to think it might become a thing. I know when I opened the box, the colors didn't jump out by themselves, but as a group, they were definitely begging to be worn together!

Zoya Charlotte is a khaki cream polish. It's in the same vein as OPI Skull and Glossbones. Definitely more of a warm khaki with orange/peach undertones, though.

Zoya Severine is a metallic gold polish that lands at just the right mix of cool and warm for me. I love that it matches up so well with Tomoko. I've got a lot of gold glitters and a lot of gold metallics, and none match up quite like these two do.

Zoya Anais is an almostblack brown that's got some super-fine multi-colored shimmer running through it. Just enough to make it look slightly metallic and have a lot of depth, but not so much that you get any weird brush stroke lines when you apply. It's an interesting shade that I'm probably going to swatch soon all by itself. You know, if I don't get distracted by any other shinies!

In the end, I love how this manicure turned out. And just think... had I not stepped outside the box a little, it might never have happened! That's certainly something we celebrate here at Seize the Sparkle! I'll be back with another prompt next Friday. Keep an eye on my Instagram for prompt No. 15...

Happy Weekend!!!



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