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State of the Sparkle *010*

February is almost completely down for the count, and I'm ready for Winter to be OVER. How about you?  It's not even that I really care about the snow so much, I mean, I don't like it when plans are all interrupted, especially FUN plans, but big girl panties, right? Mainly, I'm just really over the cold. the wind, and all. of. the. germs. I'm not sure how, but Peanut is attracting germs and getting colds practically every 2 weeks. Everyone at our Doctor's office knows her by name. (and golashes.)

While facetiming Mr. Sparkle, I turned around to find Peanut wearing my black strapless bra. Normally she wears it as a necklace, but this time she's got it over her eyes like a bug.
Me: That's cute sweetie.
Peanut: These my sunglasses.

While snuggling the other night...
Peanut: (In the sweetest voice imaginable...) You're my best fwiend!
Me: (absolutely beaming...) Awww... thank you doodlebug! You're my best friend too!!!
Biiiiiiiig Hugs... Kisses... Lots of snuggles...

While dropping her off at Daycare the next day...
Peanut: (In that same super sweet voice...) Cooper's my best fwiend!
Me: O.o (Cooper is a dog.)

And over in the nail polish world... I haven't seen anyone blog about it or confirm it for sure, but word is... Max Factor changed the formula of Fantasy Fire. I read about it last Thursday, and finally bit the bullet and bought a bottle on Saturday night. Thankfully, I had been looking at it recently, so I knew that the price was decent. ($13.95 for a .034mL bottle) I didn't even think about it before I purchased it, but I'm really hoping that the bottle I purchased is the original version. Definitely crossing my fingers about that! Aaaand I'm pretty sure that I won't be able to resist painting my nails with it the second it comes inside the Sparkle Lab!

This is really the only photo I could find that does Fantasy Fire justice, and it happens to come from the blogger who is totally responsible for my love of layering manicures... the wonderful Jeanette a.k.a. The Swatchaholic. I've been drooling over this photo for a loooooong time! 

c/o The Swatchaholic (NOT MY PHOTO!)

Yesterday was my first "me only" vacation day that I've taken in a very, very long time! I mean... we're talking probably before Peanut was born and she's like almost 2 and a half! I managed a six hour shopping trip, and it was seriously the best thing ever. I really just needed to be out and about and doing my own thing. Didn't stop me from missing Peanut when I saw other parents with their kids in tow... but I was able to spend 4 hours in Target. My little Sparklegirl loves to shop, but that never would've happened with her along. Jamba Juice smoothies and Popcorn get me about 2 hours tops.

It was a weird time of the year to be shopping. Target was definitely in the process of putting a lot of new Spring stuff out, and getting rid of a lot of Winter stuff, but it was like the dregs of Winter clearance. You know, the stuff no one really wants?!? But I did make out pretty well...

Got this tunic in the bluish/gray stripe. It's got a little texture to it, and it's longer, so I'll be able to wear leggings with it. I'm not sure why, but the photos on the site make it look like it's regular button down length. Hmmm... I also got the exact same shirt in white with black polka dots. I also picked up a floral tank and this cute longer tank...

I wasn't sure how this was going to look on me, given the whole cream and negative space thing. But it works... it looks awesome, and the sides are a little bit open, so you can see what you're wearing underneath from the sides, too. You know, in addition to seeing it through the sheer parts of the design! I love shirts like this, because in addition to loving layering polish on my nails, I love layering my clothes. With sheer designs like this, you can really switch it up and make it look different depending on what you have on underneath!

Then I found some cute stuff for Peanut...

I picked up the striped shirt on clearance, but it's not coming up that way on the website...? Weird. Also weird, is the fact that I found a chambray dress that I really liked, and needed a different size, but they didn't have it in stock. It was S/M/L sized in the store, but the one on the website features a darker chambray and number sizes...... Exactly how am I supposed to work that one out?!? Here's the dress...

Cute, huh? On one hand, I'd love to grab it, but on the other hand, I'm thinking that Spring and warmer weather are really, really close... so I'll probably just pass.

Surprisingly, it was a little bit of a miss for me with polish shopping... I hit up a new-to-me Walgreens, and I've gotta say, I like my normal Wags a lot better. This one was definitely new, and they barely had any LE polish displays. Boo. But I did pick up 2 SinfulColors polishes and a wind-up bunny rabbit that Peanut giggles over, but refuses to touch while it's moving. (Two year olds are fickle, man!)

Ulta wasn't much better... I picked up 2 Essence polishes and a philosophy gloss, but I really didn't see anything that leapt out at me. Their clearance section was pretty wiped out, too.

So... the sparklestash is just a complete and total mess right now. So, I'm really hoping that I'll be able to get that organized this weekend. I got a couple of bins from Target's Dollar Spot, so I'm hoping I can organize all my favorites and untried polishes, because right now, I just have bottles and bottles of polish everywhere. I've had new liners for my Helmer waiting to go in for over a month now! So sad... and such a mess!

After all of that shopping, I think I'm good for a little while. I'm putting myself on a tentative No-Buy for as long as I can manage... you know, barring that new Wet n Wild Silve Lake Collection G from Nouveau Cheap blogged about the other day. Oh, and a la Patisserie collection from Rainbow Honey.

Ummmm... I think that's about it. Last week's visit from my sister was a BUST thanks to the weather. They're not calling for anything like that this weekend, so hopefully this thing is a GO! We've got a tea party scheduled, and a copy of Princess and the Frog featuring Peanut's fave princess... Tiana! In short... it's gonna be a good one! Hope it is for your and your fam, too!!!



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